
Christ-centered churches among all African Peoples

Our Priority.

Africa's Unreached



Tim and Laura Brown believe God has called their family to serve in Kenya at Rift Valley Academy (RVA). Started by African Inland Mission (AIM), the boarding school exists to educate and disciple children of missionaries toward their potential in Christ thus enabling families to serve. RVA is a school of about 500 students whose parents serve in over 30 African countries under 80 mission organizations. As an example, there are 14 families currently serving with the IMB who send their children to RVA. Tim attended there for two years of high school while his parents served in Congo.       


Tim and Laura both served at RVA in 2008-2009. They taught physics, physical science, English 8 and English 11.  In 2018-2022 Tim taught physics, physical science, and Sunday School, and Laura helped organize events for the school and they were sponsors of the class 2022.


As they return in August of 2023 to RVA for another 4 years with their 3 children, Isaac, Isabelle, and Ian, Tim will once again teach physics, physical science and Laura has been asked to teach AP English Language and Composition. They will host Caring Community, teach Sunday School, and Laura will continue to organize grocery deliveries for the staff. They are excited to serve at RVA and support other missionary families on the continent of Africa.  


To keep schooling costs manageable for missionary families, the staff at RVA is not paid and relies on gifts from churches and individuals. Tim and Laura are currently above 90% of their monthly target income and would welcome you to join their support team as they head to RVA August 13, 2023.