EBC | Kids.





K-5 Grade are meeting in Room 202

It's our mission to come alongside families and help raise a new generation of believers who will love and lead for Jesus.  Here at Ebenezer Baptist Church, that starts with teaching our youngest who God is and how much He loves them.  Ebenezer Children's Ministry offers a safe, loving, and collaborative environment that will nurture your child's faith and creativity.  We equip parents with weekly tools and resources that will set your child up for success during these tender years of learning!


EBC Kid's Small Groups are children's Bible Study Classes that are divided by age for Kindergarten- 5th grade.  Each class has caring adult leaders that will teach your child each week! These Christ-centered classes will teach the love of Jesus with energy, enthusiasm, fun, and creativity.  It's the special connection where kids feel welcomed, valued, and cared for while learning who Jesus is, how to follow Him, and how basic Biblical truths can help them make the right choices now, and throughout their lives.  Each week, teachers use art, drama, music, multi-media and creative Bible lessons to engage kids and help them establish a life-long relationship with Christ. The age appropriate, relevant Bible lessons apply directly to the kids' lives and help kids establish a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.   These classes begin promptly at 9:15 am every Sunday morning and end at 10:15 am.  Every class, Kindergarten through 5th grade, learns the Bible and worships by walking through the Gospel Project curriculum.  We help them learn that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one giant story of God's love and redemption.  With adults and children learning the same story on Sundays, it's our hope that families will be able to continue the discussion throughout the week at home.


EBC Kid's Worship times takes place at the same time as the Adult Sunday Worship Service. This is a special time for your child to learn the truths of God's Word in a fun, creative, and engaging way.  Media, Puppets, Drama, Bible Story Time and Worship are elements that are used each week to engage children.


 Kid's Worship begins at 10:30 am.  


West Virginia Family VBS


  What do you get when you mix three churches, 20 adults, 9 youth, 22 kids, and a few twists & turns, a lot of prayer, and a the power of God? You get this year's WVA and Living River Chapel in Sutton, West Virginia family mission trip. Our mission team partnered with Corinth Baptist Church from VA and Living River Chapel in Sutton, WV in June to host Vacation Bible School. We also completed a couple of work projects for LRC, provided meals for the kids, and had many God-focused conversations with people in the community. The children who attended VBS heard the Gospel numerous times, and we saw one child come to faith in Jesus Christ. We are so thankful for our prayer partners and the support of our churches.

We believe the church plays a key role in building up and fostering our community. We view sport through the lens of a greater purpose – which means the impact can extend far beyond the game. Sports break down barriers and create a powerful catalyst for churches to build relationships and serve others. All children deserve opportunities to be active, learn and have fun! That’s why we value co-creating new and different play experiences with church partners to welcome and reach all children.


Based on Luke 2:52 “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” our experiences are designed to equip churches to engage the whole athlete – mind, body, spirit and soul.


Cubbies Meet in Room 105

T&T & Sparks Meet in the Ed. Bldg

6:15pm - 7:45pm

Hey, kids ... Wanna have some real fun as you learn God's Word??


 AWANA is a Bible-based, Christ-centered program for children. The word AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and comes from the Bible verse II     Timothy 2:15: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  "The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him. It is a great honor to serve God in this way and to lead children to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


Awana is meeting Wednesdays at 6:15pm