Next Steps.

When I start coming to EBC, what is the process for me to join, get involved, serve, and go?

Church Membership is

an act of submission, commitment, and acceptance of responsibilities..

At Ebenezer Baptist Church we encourage church membership because of its importance in the life of the believer. When you join a church it is essentially an act of humility; it's a willingness to come under the spiritual leadership of a pastor-shepherd and a body of believers who will hold you accountable to your commitment to Christ.  It's a covenant where you are committing to fulfill your calling in community by being focused on others. 


You are certainly always welcome to worship without becoming a member, but we encourage you to pray and seek God's will about the matter. We believe that the commitment made by becoming a member of a local church is a vital part of your own growth and maturity as a Christian. 

What is the membership process?

We invite you to begin the membership process at Ebenezer in one of four ways:


This involves receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and then being obedient to him through believer's baptism. 


If you are a Baptist whose membership is at another Baptist church, you may join our church by letter. Just tell us that you are coming from another Baptist church and we will take care of the details of transferring your membership to Ebenezer. 


If you have previously received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior but have not been baptized by immersion, you may join Ebenezer Baptist Church by receiving biblical baptism. 


If you were not previously a member of any church (or are coming from a church that does not utilize membership letters), you may join by Statement of Faith if you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and have been biblically baptized in a church of like faith. 

Join in on the next ConnectEBC Class.

The CONNECTebc Class is available to those exploring or desiring membership, as well as our new members. In this class, you will learn about what the Bible reveals about being a church member, church health, the history of Ebenezer Baptist Church, what we believe, how we operate, and about the various ministries that make up life at Ebenezer Baptist Church . The CONNECTebc Class is a vital aspect of the membership process as you will grow in your understanding of the beliefs, ministries, and mission of Ebenezer Baptist. 


The CONNECTebc Class is offered at various times during the year; for times and more information, email 


We invite you to begin the membership process by also speaking with one of our pastors at the close of a worship service when the Pastor offers the public invitation.