Sunday LIFE Groups.



We welcome "mature" ladies with a heart for Bible Study, prayer and growing together in Christ.    We enjoy discussion and encouragement each week as we focus on different Old & New Testament  studies.  Bring a hungry heart and be refreshed as we study God's  Word together.


Teachers: Donna Sarvis, Becky Johnson, Susan Parker, Becky Blanton

Location: Room 100 (Preschool Hallway)




A large group multi-generational setting taught lecture style.  Brought together to grow in our love and understanding of Christ.


Teacher: Bobby Riley

Location: Choir Room (located through the doors on either side of the sanctuary platform; behind the choir loft) 




The goal of this class is to honor God, grow in knowledge and application of God's Word and walk together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Our class consists primarily of married couples ranging  in age from 20 - 60.   Each week the lesson is presented and class input is welcomed. Lessons  allow the class to divide into smaller groups to discuss key topics and life application.


Teachers: Tommy Parker, Don Metts, David Arrington

Location: Conference Room (located on the ground floor near church offices)